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Cecil & Harford County Legal Resources
Legal Resources:
The following services and programs are available to the Circuit Court for Cecil County:
Cecil County District Court of Maryland
The District Court hears landlord/tenant cases, replevin actions, traffic violations, criminal cases classified as misdemeanors and certain felonies, and civil cases in the amount of $30,000 or less. The District Court does not conduct jury trials.
Cecil County Circuit Court Clerks Office
The Cecil County Clerk, located in Elkton, Maryland, is the official keeper of public records for Cecil County. The Clerk's office ensures that public records are retained, archived, and made accessible to the public in accordance with all laws and regulations. Clerks also support the elections process and provide a variety of transactional services.
Cecil County Register of Wills Office
The Office of Register of Wills is a public office established under the Constitution of the State of Maryland. The Constitution provides for a Register from each county and the City of Baltimore. Each Register is elected by qualified voters for a four-year term of office at the time of the gubernatorial election. The Register of Wills is responsible for appointing personal representatives to administer decedents’ estates and for overseeing the proper and timely administration of these proceedings. We also perform the following duties: assist and advise the public in the preparation of all required forms; maintain and preserve the permanent record of all proceedings; serve as the Clerk to the Orphans’ Court; track estates and refer delinquent matters to the Court; determine and collect inheritance taxes and probate fees/court costs; audit accounts of personal representatives and guardians; mail various notices and court orders to interested persons; and, verify compliance with court orders. As a service, we provide safekeeping for the wills of living persons.
Harford County Family Support Services
The Office of Family Court Services provides support services to families who have an open court case in Harford County Circuit Court. These cases are primarily child custody and/or visitation issues. Child Support Issues are not referred to this office. The Mission of the Office of Family Court Services is to identify, support, and promote the needs of the children in the delivery of these services.
In general, the Office of Family Court Services serves persons who are income-eligible. “Income eligible” means that parties need either a free service or a reduced fee service because of limited income or demonstrated financial hardship. The Family Law Case Coordinator screens each parent’s income to determine whether a case will be referred to the Office of Family Court Services or to a private service provider approved by the Court. When a case is referred to a private service provider, the Court has determined that the parties have the financial ability to pay the full cost for service.
Harford County District Court of Maryland
Located in Belair, Maryland, The District Court hears landlord/tenant cases, replevin actions, traffic violations, criminal cases classified as misdemeanors and certain felonies, and civil cases in the amount of $30,000 or less. The District Court does not conduct jury trials.
Harford County Circuit Court Clerks Office
The Harford County Clerk, located in Belair, Maryland, is the official keeper of public records for Harford County. The Clerk's office ensures that public records are retained, archived, and made accessible to the public in accordance with all laws and regulations.
Harford County Register of Wills
The Register of Wills is responsible for appointing personal representatives to administer decedents’ estates and for overseeing the proper and timely administration of these proceedings. We also perform the following duties: assist and advise the public in the preparation of all required forms; maintain and preserve the permanent record of all proceedings; serve as the Clerk to the Orphans’ Court; track estates and refer delinquent matters to the Court; determine and collect inheritance taxes and probate fees/court costs; audit accounts of personal representatives and guardians; mail various notices and court orders to interested persons; and, verify compliance with court orders. As a service, we provide safekeeping for the wills of living persons.
Maryland Legal Aid (MLA) provides life-changing civil legal assistance to eligible residents in every part of the State. Since 1911, MLA has provided high-quality legal services to low-income and marginalized individuals and communities–helping them remedy their civil legal issues and become empowered to overcome challenges, achieve stability and independence, and overall better life.
Maryland Judiciary Case Search
Maryland Family Court Resources
Maryland Judiciary’s information portal for family, child welfare, and juvenile law topics.
Cecil County Family Support Services
Family Support Services
Circuit Court for Cecil County
129 East Main Street
Elkton, Maryland 21921
Marriage Resources:
Contemplating or going through a divorce is a very emotional and stressful time in someone’s life. Adding navigating a divorce case through the court system only intensifies that stress. There may be arguments surrounding child support, child custody, alimony, and the division of marital assets and debts.
The Law Office of Chelsea M. Sadler, LLC can help you through the process. Chelsea believes that divorce should be the last option in marriage and inquire of steps taken to reconcile.
As a benefit to our clients and potential clients, we have provided a list of resources that may help and or save your marriage.